Prof. Fatima Roumate
President of the International Institute for Scientific Research

Paper submitted at the International conference “Media component of the digital economy” was held in Moscow on September 27, 2019, at the Central House of Journalists. The representative forum brought together leading experts from the representatives of government agencies and public organizations as well as of the academic community from seven countries.

International conference “Media component of digital economy” was held in Moscow on September 27, 2019 at the Central House of Journalists. The representative forum brought together leading experts from the, representatives of government agencies and public organizations as well as of academic community from seven countries. The topics discussed at the conference were the following:

  • the issues of media environment digitalization in the context of active phase of the TV transition to the digital broadcasting format and the phased shutdown of analogue broadcasting in Russia and other countries;
  • defining the tasks of the media system to adapt modern scientific and technological achievements aiming for the effective development of state socio-economic activities at regional, national and international levels.
  • The discussion was organized by the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Academy of Media Industry” with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. The sponsor of the event was 1C.

During the conference the participants raised the following questions.

  • What are the features and specifics of the digital transition in different countries?
  • What is the role of media in determining the direction of cultural, linguistic, axiological and professional priorities of a society in the context of digital economy development?
  • How is the work of journalists transformed in the digital economy, influenced by robotic technologies, virtual reality and what are the consequences of these innovations?

Opening the plenary session of the conference, the rector of the Academy of Media Industry S.G. Davydov noted that the conference was being held at a historic moment – in anticipation of the full transition to digital broadcasting and the shutdown of the analog signal in the Russian Federation as on October 14, would begin the fourth final stage of the digital transition in 23 Russian regions that did not disable analog broadcasting. Therefore, the scientific and practical dialogue of domestic and international specialists, the exchange of views and experiences is so relevant and important the successful development of digital economy at national and international levels.

I.O. Lazarev, Head of the Department of Broadcasting and Mass Media of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, greeted in his speech the Head of the Federal Agency M.V. Seslavinsky and emphasized that the changes due to transition to the digital format affect all media and are of paramount importance to solve the problem of information inequality between urban and rural population in different regions of the Russian Federation.

The following experts held conceptual talks: A.G. Bystritsky, dean of the faculty of Communications, Media and Design of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, I.V. Stepanov, head of the press service of RTRS; A.F. Tsekhovoy Director General of the International Academy of Informatization (Republic of Kazakhstan); H. Liebetruth, Professor of the Bergische University of Wuppertal (Germany).

After the plenary session of the conference, two round tables were held. At the first one, titled “The Change of the Media market Structure as a Result of Digitalization” (moderated by A. Sharikov, HSE professor, member of the GEAR EBU) reports were made by: N. North, BBC Audience Director (Great Britain); L.A. Pautova, Managing Director of the Public Opinion Foundation; N.G. Vlasova, General Director of ANO “New Russian Media”; V.G. Radnaev, Project Manager, Sputnik Russian-language Broadcasting Directorate, MIA Russia Today; S. Pasti, Senior Researcher, Center for Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Tampere (Finland); N.S. Mikhaleva, Distribution Marketer, 1C Firm; W.U. Parfentiev, coordinator of the Center for Safe Internet.

The speakers of the second round table titled “Transformation of the Mediasphere and Professions in the Field in the Context of Digital Economy Development ” (moderated by E. Vartanova, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philology, Professor) were: S.G. Davydov, rector of the Academy of Media Industry; O.S. Logunova, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Higher School of Economics; N. Kitam, Director of the Center for Digital Innovation Digitally Yours OÜ (Estonia); A.V. Sharikov, Professor, HSE; D.I. Yarygina, producer of the Multimedia Technology Development Division, Pervy Channel Internet Broadcasting Directorate; D. Sajek, Head of the Media Technology Department of Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania); F. Roumate, Professor at the University of Mohammed V – Rabat, Agdal, President of the International Institute for Scientific Research (Morocco).

At the end of the event, the speakers answered questions from the participants, discussed the main conclusions and results of the presentations. The conference resulted in concrete proposals aimed for the development of algorithms to modernize media industry. In addition to important and progressive changes in the digitalization process, conference participants discussed the risks and threats in the media sector transition to digital economy, as well as the problems of professional media education. It was pointed out that the Conference provides great opportunities to create various expert groups consisting of representatives of academia and practitioners from different countries and to systematically interact within them. This allows to identify main trends and risks in the process of rapid evolution of digital technologies. The annual format ensures prompt and constructive responses to emerging changes. These findings are to be reflected in the outcome document of the Conference.

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